Use biotechnology in restoring smooth, firm skin!
To have smooth and firm skin is what the women we aim for and aspire to the most are those with extremely sensitive skin. So how to have beautiful skin as desired without affecting health as well as leaving complications later? Peace of mind today with the use of biotechnology treatments will help you solve your afflictions.
With biotechnology your skin is restored and cared for using stem cells extracted from thousands of natural marine algae from Germany with an extremely strict line and standards into crystals. These seaweed crystals are prepared in pure form (without parabens, acids, preservatives, flavorings, etc.). Therefore, sensitive and sensitive skin will feel extremely good compared to treatment and care by other methods.
The crystals with the advantage of being extremely small in size are a few nanometers, making it easy to penetrate into each pore, small bumps in the skin. So that helps skin increase moisture, resistance to external dirt thanks to a firm skin barrier. Moreover, this technology also helps increase collagen content, Elastin helps regenerate skin and improve skin resilience. So bad skin symptoms such as large pores, folliculitis, oily skin, acne skin, wrinkles, freckles, visible spots, sagging skin, … will quickly disappear.
Currently this biotech treatment is being conducted by experts at our SPA center. And in just 60 minutes of treatment, you’ll quickly have smooth and firm skin. Please contact us immediately for advice and best support.